Virtual Study
Database and on-line services
of the Theatre Institute
Professional Activities
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Production title 
Theatre and Ensemble/Company 
Name variant 
Shakespeare, William Veronští šlechtici Činoherní studio JAMU BrnoHajda, Alois1964 Hudebníci 
Dürrenmatt, Friedrich Frank Pátý Činoherní studio JAMU BrnoKarlík, Lukáš1964 Haberlin 
Renč, Václav; Twain, Mark Tom Sawyer od řeky Mississippi Divadlo Julia Fučíka Brno 55-65Pleva, Libor1965 Billy 
Brecht, Bertolt; Weill, Kurt Žebrácká opera/Šestáková opera JAMU BrnoVozák, Vladimír1965 Jarmareční zpěvák 
Kubín, Josef Štefan Strakatý máslo Činoherní studio JAMU BrnoScherhaufer, Peter1966 Grešlička; Vrchní 
Hradil, Pavel Rondo Mundi Činoherní studio JAMU BrnoHradil, Pavel1966 3. stařec 
Lawler, Ray Léto sedmnácté panenky Činoherní studio JAMU BrnoSkrbková, Lola1966 Barney Ibbot 
Sofoklés Antigona Činoherní studio JAMU BrnoPospíšil, Zdeněk1967 Náčelník sboru 
Hradil, Pavel; Kopecký, Matěj Kurando a Špádolíno Činoherní studio JAMU BrnoHradil, Pavel1967 Hradní; Principál 
Vitrac, Roger Viktor aneb Dítka u moci Činoherní studio JAMU BrnoScherhaufer, Peter1967 Generál 
Frisch, Max Don Juan aneb Láska Činoherní studio JAMU BrnoTálská, Eva1967 Don Gonzálo 
Kundera, Ludvík; Grabbe, Christian Dietrich Nežert Satirické divadlo Večerní BrnoSokolovský, Evžen st.1967 Podučitel 
Mahler, Zdeněk Normálka Satirické divadlo Večerní BrnoZejda, Miroslav1967 Zřízenec, VB 
Majakovskij, Vladimír Oblak v kalhotách Satirické divadlo Večerní BrnoScherhaufer, Peter1967 Ivan Děkabrjuchov 
Pick, J. R. Romeo i Julie Satirické divadlo Večerní BrnoScherhaufer, Peter1967 Šašek I. 
Drobná, Jarmila; Bradford, Roark V. W.; Mach, Josef Černošský Pán Bůh Satirické divadlo Večerní BrnoScherhaufer, Peter1968 Aron, ... 
Uhde, Milan Zkáza rodiny, soukromého vlast Satirické divadlo Večerní BrnoBeránková, Marie1968 Ženich 
Lichý, Saša Fanfán Tulipán Satirické divadlo Večerní BrnoLichý, Saša1968 Soused Fouré 
Čechov, Anton Pavlovič; Scherhaufer, Peter; Fiala, Jaromír; Zimová, Božena Tři sestry, Umění platiti své Mahenovo nedivadlo Husa na provázku BrnoScherhaufer, Peter; Scherhaufer, Peter1968 Ferapont; Strýc, Věřitelé 
Škutina, Vladimír Procesy(í) Satirické divadlo Večerní BrnoScherhaufer, Peter1968 Muž v pozadí 
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Professional Activities Module

The Professional Activities module makes it possible to quickly find all of the activities (as author, producer, and/or actor) for every individual (including possible name variants), who is included in the Theatre Productions database.

The Production database contains all of the data that the Arts and Theatre Institute’s Information and Documentation Department has available for theatre productions in the Czech Republic covering the 1945 to the 2011/12 seasons. The authors, producers and cast are listed in the same order as on the programme for the production – any alternates, understudies and other subsequent casting changes are therefore not available in the majority of cases.

Performing a Search in the Professional Activities Module

The searches do not take diacritics into account.

Click on the Person field. This opens a dropdown list of names. Type a name or part of the name you are searching for to limit the selection. Click on a single name, or tick multiple names and click OK. Your selection(s) are indicated in the Person field. Click Search to complete your query.

Besides using the mouse, you can also navigate through the interim results with your keyboard:

  • Left / Right (arrows) = move to preceding / next row
  • Insert = select row + move to next row
  • PageDown / PageUp = move to preceding / next page
  • Home / End = move to first row of first page / last page

Once you have selected the person(s) for your query, you can limit the selection of activities by ticking the appropriate box: author, producer, or actor. If you do not tick a particular activity, all activities will be selected.

If you wish to search for all possible variations of a name, tick the box Search all name variants and pseudonyms for the selected person(s), otherwise the search will use the selected name exactly as typed.

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